I'M ALISON, A QUALIFIED PSYCHOTHERAPIST. Get the life you want through counselling
Difficulties in childhood haunted me as an adult. Therapy gave me inner-strength, a fresh new outlook and inspired me to become a psychotherapist. It could change your life too.
It's never too late to rewrite your life story.
START NOWIN-PERSON OR ONLINE. Counselling to Fit Around You
Our therapy rooms are peaceful, private and secluded.

Our therapy rooms are also available to rent.
YOU CAN ALSO TRY "WALK AND TALK" THERAPY AT Formby's Beautiful Nature Reserve
Eco-psychotherapy can be extremely effective and we have Formby's beach and inspiring pine trees on our doorstep.

About the Therapy
It is often misunderstood. Therapy is about good health and not what is "wrong" with you.
It's about getting curious about the psychological "workings" of your amazing mind and developing self-awareness.
The two therapies I specialise in are:
Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis counselling and psychotherapy is based on the idea that your behaviour,
thoughts, feelings and quality of your social relationships reflect the influences, unspoken and spoken "rules"
you learned from your parents (critical and nurturing), adults (rational and factual), and childhood experiences
(playful, intuitive, dependent, adaptive) established early in your life.
TA therapy helps you to understand the contents of three parts to your personality: Parent, Adult and Child.
Once you know yourself better in this way, you can improve the "transactions" or conversations between yourself and other people on a daily basis by identifying mismatches or positive and complementary conversations exposing the "hidden agendas" or psychological "games" people play.Imago Relationship Therapy
Imago Relationship therapy helps couples to communicate directly with each other in healthier
ways and to reveal the emotional environments formed in childhood that cause current communication difficulties
for them in the present.
Imago is the Latin word for 'image' and refers to the unconscious concept of familiar love that develops during childhood that we unconsciously seek out in adult romantic partners because it is familiar to us.
Imago "dialogue" or conversation between couples in therapy allows this image/expectation of love to become conscious between partners. Imago couples therapy gives partners a new set of tools' to take home with them to improve their ways of communicating without becoming dependent on their therapist being present with them.
THERAPY CAN FEEL DAUNTING... BUT It starts with a risk-free enquiry
I remember how hard it was for me to start.
Mon - Fri: 10am - 2pm & 7pm - 9.30pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Alison Keen
Address: 1 Regentsfield, 100 Victoria Rd,
Liverpool L37 1YX, UK
01704 651803